Wednesday 12 February 2014

Potential Poster Pictures

I've taken a range of photos of my killer for my poster. Audiences would initially recognize the protagonist protagonist and the costume from the teaser trailer. Because my film is a big budgeted Hollywood film my A-list star is famous and that would help market my film.

This is my favourite image especially because the way he is standing and how he is looking towards the camera which makes him look like the central protagonist. 

I like this image a lot because the way he is standing the way his body is, it almost looks like he i coming to get you and the white wall in the background helps to make us focus on him. 

This image wouldn't look right for a poster as this image is shot form and angle and this image kind go looks like he has one leg and the audience would recognise what is happening. 

Again this image would work as we can see his face and he is bending over with his hand open on his side.

This image is really bad mainly because the Image is completely out of focus and his eyes are closed which makes the image bad and there is a van in the background which doesn't tell the audience that the film is a thriller. 

This is picture isn't good because the shot is on his side and we can see his facial expressions which wouldn't be good for my poster

This image is completely the wrong image for my film poster as like the image before he is shot from the side and we can't see his facial expressions and the way he is running doesn't tell the audience that the film is a thriller

This image would have been great however the image is quite over exposed which makes it to light and we can harpy see his facial expression. Also he isn't in the centre of the frame.

This is another image that I really like because he is looking down towards the camera like he is controlling us and he is looking down at us. Also there is a low angle shot that making him dominant and important. However I will probably not use this image because of the background. 

Tuesday 11 February 2014


I have done some research and planning on places where I should film in order to make my teaser trailer so I went out and took several pictures of different places with my phone and put them on my blog to further out my research and to think where the best place would be to do my recording.

The different places I went to was:

  • East Finchley 
  • Woods 
  • Home 
  • Town Hall in Hendon 
  • College 
I took several pictures of these places in order to see if they were the right place for recording the scene.

I decided it would be a good idea before I actually start to record for my teaser trailer, I decided to go out with my friend to East Finchley and take some pictures and videos on my phone of some of the shots from my shot list which will help get a better understanding for what and how I should shoot each shot for my trailer.