Saturday 30 November 2013

Film Certificate Research

Through out my blog I have been researching and analysing conventions of posters, magazines and teaser trailer. which I have done heavy research which I have made a decision to choose the thriller genre and I have looked at existing thriller posters and teaser trailers and I will be looks at there certificates to help me choose which certificate I should give mine.

Friday 29 November 2013


Roughly half of your essay will need to make reference to the BBFC as they are the organisation that classifies film releases in the cinema and on DVD/Blue ray and until summer 2012 they classified video games.

The BBFC guidelines are regularly updated o they reflect current views on film, DVD and until recently video games regulation. The guidelines are shaped partly by public opinion. In the most recent public consultation which took place between December 2012 and through out 2013 more than 10,000 members of the public were surveyed (up from roughly 8,000 people in the last consultation in 2009). The guidelines are updated roughly every 4 years and the most recent guidelines were released in February 2014.

Alongside these guidelines the BBFC produce detailed information about the content of every film that they classify. Until recently this was known as extended classification information but is now known as BBFC insight. This is much more detailed information than is found in the consumer advice that appears on the BBFC website 10 days before the film is released. This is intended to help viewers make informed choices about the films they see (this is particularly important for parents and the 12A category)

In its advisory capacity the BBFC also provides sections on there website for parents, students and children – you must look at these sites to find case studies that will help support the points that you want to make.

Recent changes in the guidelines

Notable changes as a result of the most recent public consultation includes:

·      Greater consideration will be given to the theme or tone of a film when determining what classification it receives – this will be most important around the 12A and the 15 category’s  
·      Greater attention will be given to the psychological impact of horror as well as strong visual detail such as gore (it is possible that a film like the “The Women In Black” may have got a 15 certificate rather than the 12A it received
·      Regarding language the public want the BBFC to be stricter with the language allowed at the lowest classification levels (U PG 12A) but more flexible about allowing very strong language at 15 – here context not just frequency is the most important factor.
·      More careful consideration will be at sexual information. The public is particularly concerned

·      Parents have expressed concern about the “normalisation” of certain behaviours in film such as: Self harm, Suicide, Drug misuse. The BBFC will consider those matter more carefully.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Certificates BBFC

To Chose which rating my film should be giving, I have conducted some research of the guidelines of the BBFC (the organisation who give films certificates).


  • Discriminatory language or behaviour must not be endured by the work as a whole 
  • Drugs - Any use of drugs must be infrequent and should not be glamorised or give instructional detail
  • Horror - Moderate physical and psychological threat may be permitted, provided disturbing sequences are not frequent or sustained 
  • Imitable behaviour - Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied, or appear pain or harm free
  • Language - Moderate language is allowed. The Use of strong language (for example, 'f***) must be infrequent 
  • Nudity  is allowed, but in a sexual context must be brief and discreet
  • Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Sex references should not go beyond what is suitable for young teenagers. Frequent crude references are unlikely to be acceptable. 
  • Theme - mature themes are acceptable, but their treatment must be suitable for young teenagers 
  • Violence - Moderate violence is allowed but should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood.
  • Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicates, and must have a strong contextual justification

  • Strong Violence 
  • Frequent strong Language (e.g. 'f***').
  • Portrayals of sexual activity 
  • Strong verbal references of sex
  • Sexual Nudity
  • Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references of sexual violence 
  • Discriminatory language or behaviour 
  • Drug Taking


  • Very strong Violence 
  • Frequent strong language (e.g. 'F***') and/or very strong language (e.g. 'C***')
  • Strong portrayals of sexual activities 
  • Scene of sexual violence 
  • Strong horror 
  • Strong blood and gore 
  • Real sex (in some circumstances)
  • Discriminatory language and behaviour 

My Billing

I have researched and analysed different billing from thriller and I researched real people who have actually produced thriller so I went on IMDB and looked at different thriller films and a saw the different producers and I researched them to see if they made any other thriller. I then researched what order they appear in the credits.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Production Company

Looking at other Hollywood style thriller, I have to decide which companies will produce and distribute the film and its marketing campaign.

Friday 22 November 2013

Ideas To Show The Killing

literally showing the killing from the past they witness - black and white

The two protagonists have witnessed the killing and get a glimpse of the killer and they report the person and the killer get put down for life in jail.

voice over

A voice over showing that they put the killer in jail.

text on the screen like taglines

Texts on the screen will appear like taglines to show what has happened

characters talking about it - either main characters whiteness it or journalists 

Character either will take about when they are older or a journalist will bring it up which will indicate that they reported the killer and put him down.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Synopsis 1

Two kids aged 10 are hanging out in an abandoned house. They see the killer dumping the bodies and and killer gets a glimpse on the kids so they go off screaming and running. The kids report the killer to the police. The two protagonists testify against the killer. The killer gets send down for life. 15 years later he gets released from the government to work for them. The kids don't know that he has been released until one of the protagonists sees him but a double take. He is scared and tells his friend but his friend thinks he is crazy until a journalists approaches them and reveals that the killer has been released. The two protagonists gets scared and they don't know what they should do. They get paranoid thinking that the killer saw them 15 years ago and he is coming for revenge. There is a flash back to the scene in the abandoned house seeing the killer getting a glimpse of the two boys before them start screaming and running. Flashes back to the two protagonist and they are really scared that they can not sleep and they are scared to go out.

The killer disappears, the government don't admit he was released so they secretly keep an eye on the boys to make sure nothing happens to them.

The officers have a conversation saying that they need to protect them.      

The Two protagonists don't know that the government are watching them to protect them. 

The Two protagonists try to do after the killer. The two protagonists plan a way to find him by recapturing the moment 15 years ago they return to the abandoned house to find out if there is any clues    where they hear a scream
which one of the two protagonists hears the same scream in his head from 15 years ago and jumps whilst the other one is curious and goes towards the noise. They hear another scream but they get closer and closer until they see blood pouring down the corridor. they see a man about to kill someone and the man turns around and they both look at each other FOR 5 SECONDS.

They both start to run while one of the protagonists tries to call the police but drops his phone, while the killer starts to chase after the them.

The two protagonist arrive at one of the protagonists home and they see the killer from outside the window.

The protagonists are scared they call the police not realising that there are people watching them, people who work for the government knock at the door not knowing that the killer is there.

The protagonists answer the door and report what is happening not knowing they know al about it and they are the reason this has happened.

They go with the government to find the killer whilst they have an argument so the two protagonists go by them selves to look for him until...

there is a flash back to the moment of the killer in the abandoned house and they recall the killer was on a phone call telling the other person to meet him.

flashes back to reality and the friend call the government saying "I know where they are" they all go there and they find a person which they assume that he is the person who the killer is meeting whilst they see a shadow coming and they see the killer .

The killer runs and the government tell the two protagonists to wait here, however, they don't listen and they also run after him.

after a while of chasing the two protagonists and the killer in the same place and the killer tries to kill them, things are happening slowly, as he is about to kill them the government come and stop him.

the killer is put back in jail for life.  

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Cast Biography

I have chosen real Producers to be on my billing for instance, I chose a real Music producer and costume designer, however I can not use real actors because they would most likely be on my poster and they will appear in my teaser trailer so I will have to make up actors. I have made fictional television series and films they have stared in

Protagonist 1 - Jake Wallberger 

Jake Wallberger is a young actor who started of playing roles in British Soap operas like Northenders and moved on to make the big budgeted Hollywood thriller films The Runaway and The Escape

 Protagonist 2 - Ben Winters 

Ben Winters is a young actor who has been acting since that age of twelve years old playing small roles in films like 'Strasberg", "The Big Business" and he played on television series,"How I Became The Boss" and "The Amazing Claws"  

Killer - Mitch Kane 

Mitch Cane is an a-list Hollywood actor who has played in many thrillers films such as "The Supremacy" and "Tremors" He got aBest Supporting Actor for the film "The Supremacy".

Journalist - Micheal Stewart 

Micheal Stewart has just started his career as an actor and he has played small roles in thriller films for instance he played in "The Countdown" he played a journalist and "The Final Piece Of The Puzzle" he played an anchor on the news.

Government agents 1 (sympathetic to protagonists) - Sual Eriksen 

Sual Erikson is known for playing in thrillers and horrors started acting from the age of seven years old.  The first film Sual appeared in was "The Trilogy". He then went further and went up the ladder in the film industry. Sual has been acting for most his life and has said "I Started because of my father"

Government agents 2 - Sam Chase  

Sam Chase is an actor who has been in lots of television series and has just started staring in films of the thriller genre. Sam has starred in "The Runaway" and "The Final Peace Of The Puzzle"

Young protagonists 1 - Daniel Freed

Daniel Freed is a young actor and has starred a many thriller films such as "The Surprise" and "The Past". Both of Daniels parent are a-lists stars, his father Jason Freed is one of the best actors of his generation and his mother Angelina Freed is a noticeable actress who has starred in many films and they both have won many awards. Daniel Won His first award at the age of seven years old.

Young protagonists 2 - Aiden Wilson 

Aiden Wilson is a new actor who has stared in a few television series as peoples son or friend, he has stared in "Northenders" and "The Way I Saw Your Father"

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Cast and Crew

Before I write my billing, I have done appropriate research on people who have made films with in the thriller genre I have decided to create a fictional cast creating a fake biography for each of them. the reason I didn't use real actors is because I need to use original images and footage in my poster, magazine and teaser trailer and in reality images of stars would run across in my marketing campaign.

Music By

Johann Johannsson

Johann Johannsson is an icelandic producer and composer.
Thriller film that he has done:

- Prisoners
- Mystery
- Plan B
- McCanick

Film Editor

Christopher Tellefsen

Christopher Tellefsen is a film editor who had produced a number of different thriller films.
These are some of the films he has produced:

- Fair Game
- The Village
- Perfect stranger
- Birthday Girl

Costume Designer

Kasia Walicka - Maimore

Kasia Walicka - Maimore is a costume designer who has produced a number of different thriller films.
These are the films she has worked in:

- The Adjustment Bureau
- Capote
- The Opportunists

Screenplay By

Oliver Butcher

Oliver Butcher is a writer (screen by) who has produced a number of different thriller films
These are some of the films he has been part of:

- Unknown
- Do You Know Me

Lucinda Syson 

Casting By

Lucinda Syson is a Casting director who has produced a number of different thriller films
These are some of the films she has been part of:

- Gravity
- The Raven
- Unknown
- The Bank Job

Executive Producer

Enzo Sisti

Enzo Sisti is an executive producer who has produced a number of different thriller films
These are some of the films he has been part of:

- The Eighteenth Angle
- Daylight
- Cliff hanger
- Death Has A Bad Reputation

Joel Silver

Produced By

Joel Silver is a producer who has produced a number of different thriller films
These are some of the films he has been part of:

- Enemies Closer
- Bullet To The Head
- The Factory
- The Apparition

Olivier Courson

Co-Produced By

Olivier Courson is a Co-producer who has produced a number of different thriller films
These are some of the films he has been part of:

- Non-Stop
- Deadfall
- The Awakening
- Unknown

Timothy Alverson


Timothy Alverson is an editor who has produced a number of different thriller films
These are some of the films he has been part of:

- The Skeleton Key
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- Broken Arrow
- Con Air

Roger A. Deakins

Director Of Photography

Roger A. Deakins is a director of Photography, he has produced a number of different thriller films
These are some of the films he has been part of:

- Prisoners
- In Time
- No Country For Old Men
- The Lady Killer

Paul Greengrass


Paul Greengrass is a director of Photography, he has produced a number of different thriller films
These are some of the films he has been part of:

- Green Zone
- The Bourne Ultimatum
- The Bourne Supremacy

Friday 15 November 2013

Analysing Teaser Trailers Shots - The Adjustment Bureau

I will look at the teaser trailer of 'The Adjustment Bureau'

  • Medium close up of man 
  • Tw shot 
  • Medium shot of man getting on the boss 
  • Medium shot of the man from behind going to work
  • Medium close up of man looking shocked 
  • Medium shot of man looking serious 
Action shots 

Analysing Teaser Trailers Shots - The Next Three Days

I will be analysing different thriller teaser trailers to find out the different shots they use to keep the audience on the edges of their seats. By analysing existing thriller teaser trailers I will know and understand what I need to include in the shots for my teaser trailer.

I will look at the thriller teaser trailer of 'The Next Three Days'

These ar the shots that are used in the Teaser trailer

  • Medium close up of family taking a picture 
  • Medium close up of the father from behind 
  • Medium close up of mother looking shocked 
  • Medium close up of young boy looking scared
  • Medium close up of mother getting handcuffed 
  • Medium close up of father resisting 
  • Two Shot 
  • Medium close up of family in prison 
  • Long shot of mother lying on the bed in her cell 
  • Two shot 
  • Establishing shots 
followed by action shots. 

Thursday 14 November 2013

Billing Conventions

Having been looking at three different Billings from thriller posters I have found a number of conventions that keep on appearing and the order that they come in.

  • Begins with the production/distribution companies 
  • followed by main star 
  • Other stars 
  • Name of Film 
  • Music By 
  • Music Supervisor 
  • costume designer 
  • Edited By 
  • Production designer 
  • follows by Director of photography 
  • Co-produced 
  • Executive producer 
  • Produced By 
  • Written By 
  • Ends with Directed By

Billing Analyses - Unknown

I will analyse and annotate the billing form the thriller 'Unknown' to find out the conventions that are found.

  • Production/distribution companies 
  • Music By 
  • Costume designer 
  • Edited By 
  • Production designer 
  • Director of Photography 
  • Executive producer 
  • Screenplay By 
  • Produced By 
  • Directed By

Billing Analyses - The American

The second billing I looked at was from the film 'The American' to see if the conventions were the same or similar so I can do something similar to this.

  • Production/ distribution companies 
  • Main Star 
  • Casting By 
  • Costume designer 
  • Music By 
  • Editor 
  • Production designer 
  • Director of photography 
  • Executive designer 
  • Produced By 
  • Screenplay By 
  • Directed By 
  • Production logo

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Billing Analyses - Prisoners

One of the convention I noticed on the posters when I was analysing poster conventions was that they include the billing/credits usually on the bottom of the poster. Before I right my own billing I will analyse the billing from an exiting thriller film called 'prisoner' to see the order the names/cast/ crew appear in, so I can replicate this on my poster. 

  • Production/distribution companies 
  • Main stars 
  • Other stars 
  • Music By
  • Music Supervisor 
  • Costume designer 
  • Edited By
  • Production designer 
  • Director of Photography 
  • Co-produced 
  • Executive producer
  • Produced By
  • Written By 
  • Directed By