Friday 15 November 2013

Analysing Teaser Trailers Shots - The Next Three Days

I will be analysing different thriller teaser trailers to find out the different shots they use to keep the audience on the edges of their seats. By analysing existing thriller teaser trailers I will know and understand what I need to include in the shots for my teaser trailer.

I will look at the thriller teaser trailer of 'The Next Three Days'

These ar the shots that are used in the Teaser trailer

  • Medium close up of family taking a picture 
  • Medium close up of the father from behind 
  • Medium close up of mother looking shocked 
  • Medium close up of young boy looking scared
  • Medium close up of mother getting handcuffed 
  • Medium close up of father resisting 
  • Two Shot 
  • Medium close up of family in prison 
  • Long shot of mother lying on the bed in her cell 
  • Two shot 
  • Establishing shots 
followed by action shots. 

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