Thursday 21 November 2013

Synopsis 1

Two kids aged 10 are hanging out in an abandoned house. They see the killer dumping the bodies and and killer gets a glimpse on the kids so they go off screaming and running. The kids report the killer to the police. The two protagonists testify against the killer. The killer gets send down for life. 15 years later he gets released from the government to work for them. The kids don't know that he has been released until one of the protagonists sees him but a double take. He is scared and tells his friend but his friend thinks he is crazy until a journalists approaches them and reveals that the killer has been released. The two protagonists gets scared and they don't know what they should do. They get paranoid thinking that the killer saw them 15 years ago and he is coming for revenge. There is a flash back to the scene in the abandoned house seeing the killer getting a glimpse of the two boys before them start screaming and running. Flashes back to the two protagonist and they are really scared that they can not sleep and they are scared to go out.

The killer disappears, the government don't admit he was released so they secretly keep an eye on the boys to make sure nothing happens to them.

The officers have a conversation saying that they need to protect them.      

The Two protagonists don't know that the government are watching them to protect them. 

The Two protagonists try to do after the killer. The two protagonists plan a way to find him by recapturing the moment 15 years ago they return to the abandoned house to find out if there is any clues    where they hear a scream
which one of the two protagonists hears the same scream in his head from 15 years ago and jumps whilst the other one is curious and goes towards the noise. They hear another scream but they get closer and closer until they see blood pouring down the corridor. they see a man about to kill someone and the man turns around and they both look at each other FOR 5 SECONDS.

They both start to run while one of the protagonists tries to call the police but drops his phone, while the killer starts to chase after the them.

The two protagonist arrive at one of the protagonists home and they see the killer from outside the window.

The protagonists are scared they call the police not realising that there are people watching them, people who work for the government knock at the door not knowing that the killer is there.

The protagonists answer the door and report what is happening not knowing they know al about it and they are the reason this has happened.

They go with the government to find the killer whilst they have an argument so the two protagonists go by them selves to look for him until...

there is a flash back to the moment of the killer in the abandoned house and they recall the killer was on a phone call telling the other person to meet him.

flashes back to reality and the friend call the government saying "I know where they are" they all go there and they find a person which they assume that he is the person who the killer is meeting whilst they see a shadow coming and they see the killer .

The killer runs and the government tell the two protagonists to wait here, however, they don't listen and they also run after him.

after a while of chasing the two protagonists and the killer in the same place and the killer tries to kill them, things are happening slowly, as he is about to kill them the government come and stop him.

the killer is put back in jail for life.  

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