Sunday 2 March 2014

Potential Magazine Pictures

I did the same thing as for my poster, I took pictures of my killer who would appear on my magazine front cover. what i did with these images when taking them I used a white background to make sure that the audience focus on him rather than anything else.

This image is quite good for my magazine because of he is in the centre of the frame and he is standing straight, however it would be the right image because his hands are in his pocket and that doesn't make him look dominant.

This image is quite similar to the one before however his mouth is open which looks like he is speaking so it wouldn't fit for my magazine front cover.

This image would be nice for my magazine front cover because his hands are by his sides and he is looking directly at the camera which draws the audience towards him.

This image is out of focus which would not look nice on a magazine front cover mainly because he is looking away and his hand isn't clear.

This is one of my favourite images because he is staring with a serious face and is is darker at the bottom of this body and lighter towards his face which makes the image more sinister and because he is looking directly at the audience its like he is watching you.

This image would be great however this image is quite over exposed and I should have done this as a medium shot or even a medium close up

Again in this image there is a low angle which makes him look important however because my film is a big budgeted film and my magazine is similar to Empire I researched different magazines front covers and this images wouldn't be good.  

This is a real good photograph because the strong composition of him makes him stand out and because of the white background it looks like he is in heaven, however it wouldn't be the right image for my magazine front cover because he hasn't got a serious face and he is loping away front he camera.

This image like before is really good because of the composition and this time he is looking towards the camera which makes the image more appropriate for my magazine front cover.

This image is great because of his serious facial expressions and he is looking towards the cameras which on a magazine front cover will look good because it is like he is looking at the viewer reading the magazine.

This is one of my favourite images mainly because of his facial expressions. The facial expressions show that he is serious and he could be evil which he is the killer in my film so he would need to look evil. This image would looks perfect on my magazine front cover.

I also really like this image because again like the image before his facial expressions are great and in this image we can get bait more of his body in frame.

This image is a great photo however, for my magazine front cover this wouldn't be right because this image almost looks like a passport picture. 

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