Tuesday 24 September 2013

Comparing Teaser Trailers

I will be finding all the existing conventions that can be found in these three teaser trailers to find out the similarities between them even though they are different in genre. This will help me later when it comes to making my teaser trailer because I will know what I need to include and what is found in teaser trailers rather than in theatrical trailers.

  • Production company logo
  • Fast pace of editing
  • Variety of camera work 
  • Tagline's  
  • Clear indication of genre 
  • Music 
  • Title of film 
  • Stars names 
  • Release date 

  • Tagline's 
  • Clear indication of genre 
  • Music 
  • Title of film 
  • Release date 
  • Production company logo 
  • Variety of camera work 
  • fast pace of editing 

  • Tagline's 
  • Music 
  • Clear indication of genre 
  • Star name 
  • Title of film 
  • variety of editing 
  • Release date 
  • production company logo

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