Friday 27 September 2013

Research On Thrillers

I have been researching the thriller genre, and the codes and conventions of a thriller. I have learnt that 'thrillers' is a very broad genre that many films fit into. The three main elements that help you understand that a film is a thriller are: suspense, tension and excitement.

Thriller films are fast paced and tend to leave the audience with an adrenaline rush. The aim of a thriller film is to keep the viewers alert on the edges of their seats, so this is what I will have to take into consideration when planning my opening scene.

 Primary elements of a thriller genre.

  • Protagonist faces either their own death or someone else's 
  • Main storyline for protagonist is usually a mission that they need to complete
  • Main plot is a mystery that must be solved 
  • Diegesis/narrative dominated by protagonist point of view
  • All action and characters must be realistic in their representation on screen
  • Two major themes: justice and morality view of individuals 
  • usually a small but significant presence of innocence in what is seen to be a corrupt world  
  • Protagonist and antagonists may battle, not only physically but also mentally
  • Characters are usually dragged into situations they are not prepared for.

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