Tuesday 3 December 2013

My Film Certificate

I have decided that a 12A would be most suitable for my film because the film with attract a wider audience. Because my film is a thriller, my film would be able to pass for a 12A because it doesn't brake any of the rules that make the film a 15. My Film will not have any sexual scenes and hardly any bad verbal language, there will be some action of the killer, killing people and the killer trying to kill the two protagonists but the killing of the bodies at the beginning would not be shown this will be hinted and suggested rather than shown explicitly. However there are negatives to this rating, by making my film a 12A I will not be aloud to show a lot of bloody scenes but I will get a wider audience so that is why I have chosen to go with the 12A certificate. Many of the thriller i have looked at in my research have received a 12A certificate.

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