Thursday 5 December 2013

Shot List

After looking researching all the shots I understand what shot I should use in my teaser trailer. Having been analysing shots in different teaser trailers i understand the way they all start and the similarity they all have.


  • Establishing shot - of road from the bridge cars going past  
  • Establishing shot out side college  
  • Medium shot of alex teaching 
  • Two shot of the kids at there desks - one hands the other one a note 
  • Close up from point of view of one of the kids unfolding note 
  • Close up from point of view of one of the kids with note opened 
  • Close up of kids face reading and then smiling then turning to other kid and nodding 
  • Two shot covering the same as the last three shots
  • Close up of other kids smiling 
  • Close up or medium close up of teacher shouting at them both to pay attention (say names)
  • Two shot of kids jumping in surprise 
  • Close up of one of the kids jumping in surprise
  • Medium shot of the kids walking and talking as they towards location from front
  • Medium shot of the kids walking and talking as they towards location from back
  • Establishing shot of the woods 
  • Two shot very low angle shot looking up at them leaning into the frame looking surprised 
  • Close up of object - hand 
  • Close up of one of them Oh my got (looking surprised)
  • Close up of other one saying "we should tell someone"
  • Two shot of the boys quickly turning there heads at the same time in shock after hearing unseen sound
  • Close up of one boy "what was that"
  • Close up of the other boy "we betta check that out" 
  • Two shot of previous two shots 
  • Two shot of boys - from behind one of the boys looks back and looks scared and taps the other boy lightly and says "dud You better look at this" other boy looks slowly and they both start to scream 
  • Tracking shot from in front walking backwards down stairs (wearing suits) people behind them 
  • In that shot journalist comes up with a microphone asking "are you relieved that the golders green killer is now behind bars thanks to your witness statement boy 2 responds "yes definitely"
  • MCU of boy 2 as above, responding to question.   
  • Medium close up of boy 1 looking out of a window 
  • long shot of killer 
  • Medium close up of boy 1 shocked appearing at killer 
  • Bus going past - killer not being there 
  • Reaction shot of boy 1 
  • Close up/Medium close up of boy 2 looking at something
  • Medium shot of killer walking past camera - notices camera half way and stairs at camera until he has walked past
  • MCU of reaction of boy 2 
  • Film indoors boy 1 saying to boy 2 "I saw the killer"
  • Medium close up of boy 2 reacting " so did I but it's not possible he was given life in prison"
  • Killer walking down the street 
  • Medium close up and medium shot of detective "you can't have seen him, the guy is in prison, you must have imagined it"
  • Two shot of boys reacting 
  • MCU and CU victim looking shocked, killer moves into frame 
  • MCU and CU victim looks up shocked, killer enters frame with knife
  • Low angle shot knife raised and then plunges towards the camera
  • Medium close up of boy 2 saying "Its him the killers out and he is assassinating people"
  • MS and MCU boy holding phone, listening looking shocked 
  • Journalist talking into phone by a window (with blinds, half of the face light and half dark, lights off) "He's been seen, he's out of prison, you'll be next" 
  • journalist at window shot from outside the building, journalist looks up in shock as killer moves in frame as shoulders of killer/ back of head of killer moves into frame. 
  • CU and MCU not moving shot talking into phone saying "hello, hello"
  • High angle shot MS and CU and zoom (1 fast 1 slow) of journalists phone on floor   

Ideas for montage

  • MCU of key turning from lock
  • holding a map 
  • Boys running  
  • Detective looking evil (find evil location and lighting) 
  • Tracking shot from behind down in a city street following one of the boys running  
  • close up/ extreme close up of knife being turned 
  • CU/ECU of gloved hands turning knife reflecting light (film in drama room)
  • As above this time with photo of boys 
  • MS of a character running through a door and slamming it looking scared (out of breath)
  • MS of boy hiding behind something (maybe a wall etc.) camera is close on boy but killer can be seen in background looking for boy 
  • over shoulder shot at night on somebody like they have been court with torch in the persons face
  • MCU of detective throws the killer against the wall from side into frame (see prisoners trailer)  
  • Car reversing at speed from fixed position in front of camera (stand on pavement, car going fast down, keep camera still, at an diagonal angle of the road) 
  • MCU of one boy tied to a chair 
  • Close up of hands tied 
  • CU legs tied up 
  • Close up of mouth covered (tape)
  • CU of feet and bottom part of leg of boy running (if doesn't work try different angles of boy running 


  • Happened 15 years ago 
  • They witnessed brutal murders 
  • The killer has been released 
  • The kids are very angry and try to stop the release 
  • The killer will be out for revenge  


  • How do you feel about the release of the brutal murders that you witnessed 15 years ago 


  • He was supposed to get life 
  • He'll want to come find us. 


  • East Finchley towards the bottom for montage scenes 

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