Saturday 28 September 2013

Five Thriller Posters

I have now chosen my genre so I will look at five different posters within the same genre to see how my poster should be like.

I have chosen the following film posters to use:

  • The Adjustment Bureau
  • The Next Three Days 
  • Prisoners 
  • Fair Game
  • Unknown 

Friday 27 September 2013

Research On Thrillers

I have been researching the thriller genre, and the codes and conventions of a thriller. I have learnt that 'thrillers' is a very broad genre that many films fit into. The three main elements that help you understand that a film is a thriller are: suspense, tension and excitement.

Thriller films are fast paced and tend to leave the audience with an adrenaline rush. The aim of a thriller film is to keep the viewers alert on the edges of their seats, so this is what I will have to take into consideration when planning my opening scene.

 Primary elements of a thriller genre.

  • Protagonist faces either their own death or someone else's 
  • Main storyline for protagonist is usually a mission that they need to complete
  • Main plot is a mystery that must be solved 
  • Diegesis/narrative dominated by protagonist point of view
  • All action and characters must be realistic in their representation on screen
  • Two major themes: justice and morality view of individuals 
  • usually a small but significant presence of innocence in what is seen to be a corrupt world  
  • Protagonist and antagonists may battle, not only physically but also mentally
  • Characters are usually dragged into situations they are not prepared for.

Theme Of A Thriller

Some of the general themes of thrillers are usually based on:

  • EX or escape convict 
  • Stalker 
  • Innocent victim 
  • Family breakdown
  • Government 
  • Terrorism 
  • love

These are the common themes that are found in thriller.

My Genre

I have decided to do my marketing campaign with the Thriller genre which I will be constructing research on posters, magazines and trailers to find what the convention are and how they are reflecting on these things. so know I know the conventions of poster, magazines and teaser trailers.

I have looked at Filmsite to get a better understanding of what Thriller are and what they include.

Thriller Film Definition

Thriller films are known to promote intensive excitement, suspense, a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, anxiety, and nerve-wracking tension.

A genuine thriller is a film that restlessly pursues a single-minded goal - to provide thrills and keep the audience cliff hanging at the 'edge of their seats' as the plot building towards a climax. The tension usually arises when the main characters is placed in a menacing situation of mystery, or an escape or dangerous mission from which escape seems impossible. life itself is threatened, usually because the principle character is unsuspecting or unknowingly involved in a dangerous or potentially deadly situations. Plots of thrillers involve characters which come into conflict with each other or with outside forces - the menace is sometimes abstract or shadowy.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Possible Genres For My Film Campaign

I have researched a variety of different genres and I have thought of different genre's I could do for my film campaign. For example:

  • Horror 
  • Thrillers 
  • Drama's 
  • Romantic comedy
  • Heist Movies 

These are the possible genres I will consider for my film campaign. In order to choose which genre I will look at two trailers from each genre to see if I could do some thing similar.




Romantic comedy

Heist Movies

By looking at these trailer I hope I understood what genre I want to pursue.

Conventions Of Teaser Trailers

I have looked at three different teaser trailers from a variety of genres and I have found a number of different conventions that are found in teaser trailers. By researching all the conventions I will know and understand what convention I will have to include in the process of making my teaser trailer.

The common conventions I found consistently was:

  • Production company logo
  • Images of film 
  • Clips of the film 
  • Title of the film 
  • Release dates (usually in teaser trailers it is most likely to be "coming soon"
  • Indication of genre 
  • websites 
  • Editing 
  • Stars names 
  • Possible reference to other films 
  • Music reflecting genre 
  • Music effects 
  • Variety of camera work
  • Eye candy 

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Comparing Teaser Trailers

I will be finding all the existing conventions that can be found in these three teaser trailers to find out the similarities between them even though they are different in genre. This will help me later when it comes to making my teaser trailer because I will know what I need to include and what is found in teaser trailers rather than in theatrical trailers.

  • Production company logo
  • Fast pace of editing
  • Variety of camera work 
  • Tagline's  
  • Clear indication of genre 
  • Music 
  • Title of film 
  • Stars names 
  • Release date 

  • Tagline's 
  • Clear indication of genre 
  • Music 
  • Title of film 
  • Release date 
  • Production company logo 
  • Variety of camera work 
  • fast pace of editing 

  • Tagline's 
  • Music 
  • Clear indication of genre 
  • Star name 
  • Title of film 
  • variety of editing 
  • Release date 
  • production company logo

Monday 23 September 2013

Comparing Teaser Trailers To Theatrical Trailers 3

Having looked at the teaser trailer and theatrical trailer for Just Go With It I have found a number of similarities and differences.


  • Both trailers include the title of the film, but may be shown at different point of the trailer. 
  • Both trailers include short clips/images of the film.
  • Both trailers include websites. 


  • There is more narrative intent in the theatrical trailer compared to the teaser trailer. 
  • There is also more development of character in the theatrical trailer, the audience gets a wider view of the character and his predicament.
  • The teaser trailer is shorter in duration than the theatrical trailer. 
  • The pace of the editing in the trailer is more frequent and is faster, than in the theatrical trailer, this is due to the amount of time in the teaser trailer, meaning that that faster the editing is the more clips and images can be included in the short clip.    
  • The sound and music used in the teaser trailer differs to the sound in the theatrical trailer. 

Comparing Teaser Trailers To Theatrical Trailers 2

Having looked at the teaser trailer and theatrical trailer for G.I. Joe: Retaliation I have found a number of similarities and differences.


  • Both the teaser trailer and the theatrical trailer include the production company logo.  
  • Both trailers include the title of the film, but may be shown at different points of the trailer. 
  • Both trailers include short clips/images of the film. 
  • Both trailers include websites. 


  • There is more narrative intent in the theatrical trailer compared to the teaser trailer.
  • There is also more development of character in the theatrical trailer, the audience gets a wider view of the character and his predicament.
  • The teaser trailer is shorter in duration than the theatrical trailer. 
  • The pace of the editing in the trailer is more frequent and is faster, than it is in the theatrical trailer, this is due to the amount of time in the teaser trailer, meaning that the faster the editing is the more clips and images can be included in the short clip. 
  • The sound and music used in the teaser trailer differs to the sound used in the theatrical trailer, the sound tends to be more impacting, powerful sounds, this is again due to the fact that the teaser trailer doesn't last long and needs to sell itself with overly dramatic sound and music.      

Comparing Teaser Trailers To Theatrical Trailers 1

In order to make my teaser trailer I will have to find the differences between teaser trailers and theatrical trailers, and I will have to find the similarities between them both.

Having looked at the teaser trailer and  theatrical trailer for "Star Trek Into Darkness" I have found a number of similarities and differences


  • Both trailers include the production company logos, but may be shown at different point in the trailer.
  • They both include tagline's 
  • Both of the trailers include credits and websites  
  • Both trailers include the title of the film, but may be shown at different points of the trailer 
  • Both trailers include short clips/images of the film 


  • There is more narrative intent in the theatrical trailer compared to the teaser trailer.
  • There is also more development of character in the theatrical trailer, the audience gets a wider view of the character and his predicament.
  • There is a broader range of music in the teaser trailer, compared to the theatrical trailer.
  • The teaser trailer is shorter in duration than the theatrical trailer. 
  • The pace of the editing in the trailer is more frequent and is faster, than it I in the theatrical trailer, this is due to the amount of time in the teaser trailer, meaning that the faster the citing is the more clips and images can be included in the short clip. 
  • The sound and music used in the teaser trailer differs to the sound used in the theatrical trailer, the sound tends to be more impacting, powerful sounds, this is again due to the fact that the teaser trailer doesn't last long and needs to sell itself with overly dramatic sound and music      


Sunday 22 September 2013

Conventions of Film magazines

I have researched and I have found a numerous of different conventions that are found in film magazines, which I will have to do when it come to making my own one.

Here are all the conventions I have found:

  • MastHead - Biggest font on the page
  • Cover lines
  • Main cover line 
  • Image of star/character 
  • Barcode 
  • Date 
  • Price 
  • Issue number 
  • Banners 
  • Free gifts/Posters 
  • Web address 
  • Slogan 
  • Other images 
These are the conventions that I have found whilst annotating and analysing magazine front covers.

The Conventions Of Film Magazine Covers - Film Maker

This is that last magazine front cover to which I will annotate and analyse the conventions which so far they have all been very similar.

The Conventions Of Film Magazine Covers - American Cinematographer

I am going to annotate and analyse the conventions of American Cinematographer magazine front cover.

The Conventions Of Film Magazine Covers - Sight & Sound

I will annotate and analyse the conventions of a film magazine to see all the conventions that are found in the magazine.

I have looked at Empire and Total Film and so far I have found similar conventions in all of them.

Above is that magazine cover of Sight and Sound.

The Conventions Of Film Magazine Covers - Total Film

I will annotate and analyse the conventions of a film magazine to see all the conventions that are found in the magazine. 
Above is the Total Film magazine front cover.

Saturday 21 September 2013

The Conventions Of Film Magazine Covers - Empire

I will annotate and analyse the conventions of a film magazine to see all the conventions that are found in the magazine.

Above is and Empire magazine front cover which I have analysed and found all the conventions on the cover. 

Friday 20 September 2013

Magazine Conventions

I will be looking at 5 different magazine covers to understand all the conventions that are consistently found in magazine poster. I hope to find similar conventions with all the magazine regardless wether it is a mainstream magazine featuring blockbuster Hollywood movies or a Specialised magazine featuring British films.

I will be looking a number of different magazines:

  • Empire 
  • Total Film 
  • Sight & Sound
  • American Cinematographer 
  • Film Maker 


Thursday 19 September 2013

Different Types Of Publication Companies - Sight & Sound

This cover is from Sight & Sound, Sight & Sound mainly focuses on Independent and Foreign Language Film. similarly to Empire, the first thing people will notice when looking at the cover is the main central image, which is of Canadian film maker David Cronenberg. However unlike Empire's magazine central image, David Cronenberg is less recognisable and well known. Another similarity between this and Empires is the layout as they both include reference to content that is running down the side of the magazine. Another difference between this and Empires one is the colour scheme, Empire magazine is usually bright and this magazine this uses a dull colour them and basic themed font. Another notable difference is how the font on this cover overlaps the image.

Different Types Of Publication Companies - Total Film

This is a cover from Total Film. Total Film, like Empire is a mainstream film magazine and it is easy to see why. Firstly the font in big, bold and contrast with the other main colours on the page, also the majority of the cover is in bright blue, this is sure to catch peoples attention and stand out from others. Secondly it includes a big dominate central image of a notable character. It is also similar to the Empire cover as the central image covers the masthead which makes it more immersive for the viewer. The cover also includes reference to information on other mainstream Hollywood films at the top, and has extra reference to content running down both sides of the page. As well as this it includes taglines at the bottom, which is typical of mainstream film magazines.

Different Types Of Publication Companies - American Cinematographer

This is a cover from the Film Publication American Cinematographer, American Cinematographer mainly focuses on the craft of film making. The layout of the cover is much more simple than previous cover I have looked at, and there's much less content then other covers as well. The magazine cover isn't so bright and similarly to Sight & Sound has used quite a dull coloured central image. The central image is of actor Javier Bardem, who is a recognisable actor this is likely to attract magazine browsers. Unlike other magazine covers I have looked at, this cover doesn't include a lot of references to extra content, however It does have some reference to content at the top.

Different Types Of Publication Companies - Little White Lies

This cover is from Little white Lies magazine. Little White Lies is a British Independent film magazine that is released monthly. Covers features on this magazine differ to all other film publications as instead if pictures of stars or directors, it features illustrated drawings of characters and actors. In this edition of Little White Lies, the covers includes vibrant bright colours, this may attract magazine browsers. I've looked at the mast head covers the dominant central image. Another thing that is unique about this cover is that there isn't any references to other content, this is very unusual, by not including these references I feel that the illustrations is more emphasized.

Existing Film Publications

Below is a list of 20 existing film publication. This research will show me the conventions of magazine covers and will give me a clear idea of what I will have to include on my own magazine cover. Over the years Film magazines have been developed and grown, this has resulted in many new types of films magazines that cater to every film lover needs for example take Total Film. This magazine primarily focuses on big budget Hollywood films and A-list actors, in contrast to "total film" is "American cinematographer" which unlike Total film, focuses on the arts of crafts of cinematography. By looking at all these magazines I hope to get a better idea on the verity of magazines which my future film could appear on the cover of, and what conventions I will have to embed on my own magazine cover and also when it comes to making my own magazine I will now which kind of magazine my film would be in.

Empire Magazine

Empire is a British film magazine published monthly by Bauer Consumer media. It is the biggest selling film magazine in the United kingdom and is also published in America, Australia, Turkey, Russia and Portugal. Empire specialises in big budget Hollywood movies, film reviews and A-lists actors similarly to 'total film'. Empire was first published in 1989 and today outsells there rivals 'Total Film' by over two-to-one in sales.

Total Film

Total film is a British film magazine which has been running now for thirteen years, Total Film magazines are released once a month, and focus on big Hollywood productions, Hollywood A list stars and film review. As you can see this edition of Total Film has Johnny Depp as its main dominant central image. this magazine would appeal to anyone interested in big budget Hollywood films and top Hollywood actors.

Sight & sound

Sight and Sound is a British monthly film magazine which is published by the BFI, Sight and Sound was first published in 1932 and has been running ever since. Sight and Sound Specialises in content on Independent film and International film, rather than film on general release such as Hollywood Blockbusters.

British FIlm

this magazine focuses specifically on British Film industry, publishing articles about new British films and its major talents such as British Directors and Actors. The magazine is published weekly originally it was published in print form, however since 2007 the magazine was published online.

American Cinematographer 
American Cinematographer is published by the American Society of Cinematographer monthly. The magazine is aimed at a less mainstream demographic audience

Screen International

Screen International is a multimedia film magazine covering the international film business. It is published by EMAP, a British b2media company. The magazine is primarily aimed at this involved in the global movie business. The weekly magazine in its current form was founded in 1975. Screen International also produces daily publications at film festivals and markets in berlin, Germany; Cannes, France: Toronto, Ontario, Canada: the American Film Market in Santa Monica, California: and Hong Kong.


Fangoria is an internationally-distributed US film fan magazine specialising in the genre of Horror, slasher, splatter and exploitation film, in regular publication since 1979.


Neon was a British film magazine published monthly by Emap Consumer Media from December 1996 to February 1999. It attempted to be a refreshing alternative to other UK film magazine such as Empire.


Shivers was a UK based magazine which was first published in 1992. The magazine's regular features for much of its run included a news section written by Jones, an item called The Pitt Of Horror by Pitt, a book review section by Howe, an opinion column by Newman and an end-of-magazine film analysis The Fright Of Your Life originated by Cleaver Patterson and continued by rugby.  


Hotdog was a British Film publication which had upcoming film reviews interviews with actors as well as, many other film publications, however like many other film publications, Hotdog stopped publishing in November 2006 due to competition  

Film Maker

Film Maker is a quarterly publication magazine covering issues related to independent film. The magazine was founded in 1992 by Karol Martesko-Fenster, Scott Macaulay and Holly Willis. The magazine is now published by IFP (independent feature project), which acts in the independent film community.      

Film Review

Film Review is a monthly British film magazine which was first published in 1950 and continued until 2008, like many other film magazines, Film Review specialised in features on new films, articles about actors and directors and film reviews, unfortunately the magazine didn't last as it was focused off the shelves by other film publications such as Empire and Total Film.  

Film Star

Film star a general magazine in competition with Total Film and Empire. Death Ray lunched in may 2007 and film star in 2009.

Little White Lies

Little White Lies is a British independent film magazine which features writing, illustrations and photography related to cinema. The first issue was released in February 2005. Little White Lies is known for the unusual yet eye catching front covers.

Box office

Box-office magazine delivers the latest news on films in development and in production find movie reviews and features and exclusive interviews with stars, directors, producers, technology and industry insiders in each issue of Box-office magazine  


Hollywood Scriptwriter

Hollywood Scriptwriter, an international trade publication, provides solid resources tools for screenwriters, producers, directors, and those entering the entertainment industry. each issue of Hollywood Scriptwriter features a "script wanted" listing, interviews, columns and articles on the art, craft, and business of screenwriting for film, television and multimedia

Movie Maker

Movie maker is an American magazine focusing on the art and business of making movies, with a special emphasis on independent film. Movie Maker was first published December 1993. Feature article topics include movie making techniques and "how to" column. content is directed at the audience swell as the artist through discussion of contemporary independent and studio films.


Starburst is a British Sci-Fi film and television magazine. This picture on the left is Starburst's first edition, which was published November 1st 1997. Starburst as a magazine focus primarily on Sci-Fi content, such as new upcoming films or television series and interviews with Sci-Fi directors. Starburst like many other film publications is published once a month.

Entertainment Weekly

Entertainment Weekly is published by the time division of Time Warner. It is an American magazine which includes subjects such as television, Broadway theatre, books, popular culture and films.

Film Journal International

Film Journal International is a motion picture industry trade magazine published monthly by an American company called Prometheus Global Media. The Magazine includes exhibition, distribution and production reporting international along with US news.

Film Publications

I will be looking at these film publications below as part of my research and planning to see the different types of publications.

  • Empire Magazine 
  • Total Film 
  • Sight & Sound
  • British Film 
  • American Cinematographer 
  • Screen International 
  • Fangoria 
  • Neon 
  • Shivers 
  • Hotdog 
  • Film Maker 
  • Film Review 
  • Film Star 
  • Little White Lies 
  • Box Office 
  • Hollywood Scriptwriter
  • Movie Maker 
  • Starburst 
  • Entertainment Weekly 
  • Film Journal International 

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Conventions Of Posters

I have annotated and analysed five different film poster from different genres and I have collectively found numerous conventions regardless of genre. I did this research so when it comes to the making of my poster I will know what I need to include in it.

This common conventions I found consistently was:

Title of the film - usually the biggest font on the poster.



A-list star

A-lists stars names

Production company logo

Release date 

Film Certificate 


3D sign

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Poster Analyses 5

The final poster I annotated and analysed is "World's End". This movie is an action film and again shows similar conventions to the other four posters I annotated.

Poster Analyses 4

The forth poster I looked at is "We're The Millers" this movie is a comedy. Again displays similar conventions as other posters.