Wednesday 16 October 2013

Names Of Thriller Film

I will Be looking at at a numerous of different thriller names in order to decide what name I want to give my film that will put on my poster and teaser trailer. by looking at current thriller films it will give me an idea, what I will call my film name.

  • The Adjustment Bureau - it give an idea of conspiracy that the government are controlling his fate. Adjustment suggests that they are trying to change him or control him. 
  • The Next Three Days - the name gives the sense of a count down that something will happen in three days. The count down gives the audience suspense. 
  • Prisoners - the name suggests that they will be trapped and again they will be controlled and manipulated. 
  • Taken - suggest that the character have been snatched against of there will and that they don't have any control.
  • Edge Of Darkness - The work 'Edge' suggests that there is tension and suspense and darkness suggests that the character will be entering an unfamiliar and dangerous world. 
  • The Experiment - the work 'Experiment' suggests that something will happen to the character and they have no control. 
  • Unstoppable - suggests that it cant be stopped so they don't have any control of what is happening 
  • Abduction - Abduction makes it sound like they have been taken against there will and they don't have any control. 
  • Compliance - it sound like if someone is making the character obey there commands which suggest that they don't have any control 
  • Stolen - suggests that the character has been kidnapped against there will and that they don't have any control 
  • Confessions - the word confession suggest the the character has confessed to doing something against the law which suggests that the government are controlling them

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