Tuesday 22 October 2013

Potential Story Line For Film

I will be brainstorming different ideas for my thriller, by writing ideas on what will happen.

Story Outline 1

Based on a the best selling book by Robert Thomas  
  • He's a some sort of Genius - crazy scientist - he was working on something really big and evil kids find out his secrets and he tries to kill them 
  • As young kids the 2 protagonists testify against a killer - who is sent down for life  
  • 10 years later a journalist approaches them for a comment about the disappearance of the killer - there is no record of him....
  • it turns out he have been re-trained/ released by the government who planned to use him as a killer. 
  • BUT he's gone dark (disappeared) and he is coming to get the boys who put him away!   
  • kids tell the government about the killer and the government pretend to care whilst secretly employing him 
  • montage of action shots 
Story Outline 2 

  • He's some sort of mentalist who psychopath young girls which the protagonists find out which he tries to torture and kill them. 
  • The protagonists testify against him - who gets a sentence of 25 years
  • He gets out, but the government are looking for him to try control him and to make him.
  • but he disappears and tries to kill the kids 
  • The kids find out that he has been released out of jail
  • they get scared and paranoid. 

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