Tuesday 6 May 2014

Evaluation - END

Having finished my research and planning I was able to successfully create my teaser trailer, poster and magazine front cover. Having finished my teaser trailer I uploaded my teaser trailer to youtube to help promote the film even further.

This campaign has given me a taste on how it would be to develop a campaign of a real film, the things I have realised is the time and effort it takes to complete them and to find all the things needed in order to make the campaigns.

There were problems that occurred when it came to making my teaser trailer for example I needed to get people to East Finchley. It was quite hard to organise them all to be there as they were very busy doing their own work. Another problem that I couldn't do much about was the weather. On some days when I was planning to shoot, the weather was bad that I had to re-organise the shoot to another day which gave me a few problems, which I over came.

At the start of my project I made a brief post stating what I would try and achieve. I showed a poster, magazine front cover and a teaser trailer, all from one campaign. The thing I was trying to show with these media campaigns is that they all promote the same film and the audience can tell instantly.  

Production Brief 

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