Monday 5 May 2014

Evaluation - What Have I Learnt Through Audience Feedback? (Teaser Trailers)

Alongside getting feedback from magazines and posters, I feel that it is most important to get feedback from the teaser trailer is it is the most important campaign and I was intrigued to find out how my audience reacted towards it.

The questions I asked regarding the teaser trailer were:

  1. Does the teaser trailer use typical conventions?
  2. How effectively does the teaser establish genre?
  3. How effectively does the teaser trailer develop character?
  4. Is the narrative established?
  5. Would you be encouraged to find out more information about the film/ see film?

The feedback from my teaser trailer was really successful, more than the poster and magazine front cover. Some of the feedback I received was that they thought I gave them just the right amount of information about the film so that they would go see the film. They said with my first tagline 'Some Things Are Best Forgotten' this helped them realise that the two boys are older and the story has jumped to when they are older.

Finally with all the elements of my marketing campaign I asked my audience if they worked well together. They said that it was really easy to see that all pieces of media were promoting the same film and it was obvious what genre the film was. The small consistency with the font helped to tie the teaser trailer and poster together, and the central image on the magazine front cover is obvious as he appears in the teaser trailer.

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