Sunday 4 May 2014

Evaluation - What Have I Learnt Through Audience Feedback? (Magazine)

Again my choices were governed by the result of the conversation I had with each person as they would give me their feedback and giving me their opinion on things I should include or change, as I felt it was important to respond to my audiences desires and ideas, but at times I stuck to my conventions when it came to design choices.

For my magazine front cover the majority of them said that there should be an image of the killer and he should be looking serious which would show instantly what genre the film is.

The questions regarding my magazine front cover were:

  1. Would the magazine stand out on the shelf?
  2. Does magazine feel like a mainstream magazine?
  3. Does the magazine help promote the film?
  4. Can you tell magazine font cover is for a thriller film? 
  5. Does the magazines contain design/layout features you would expect to find in existing magazines? 

Again I got mainly positive responses from my audience which was helpful and nice to hear that all my research and planning was correct. Because I used a well known director for my film, and actors, it was very difficult to put stars on the cover of my magazine. My audiences feedback was almost very positive. The feedback that I received from my colour scheme was really positive as they liked the fact that it stood out and that the genre was obvious. They questioned who should appear on my magazine front cover as some people thought that the two main protagonists should have appeared.  However, I thought it was the correct decision to go with the image of the killer as he would be the one to show that the film is a conspiracy thriller.

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