Saturday 3 May 2014

Evaluation - What Have I Learnt Through Audience Feedback? (Posters)

Throughout my planning and research I constructed many focus groups, asking my friends, family and teachers to fill out the questionnaire to help me decide things like design, fonts and titles in order to find out peoples opinions in making it authentic and eye catching.

Focus Group - Fonts
Magazine Name
Film Names

Often my choices were governed by the result of these conversation I had with each person as they would give me their feedback and opinions on things I should include or change, as I felt it was important to respond to my audience desires/ideas, but at times I stuck to my conventions when it came to designs choices - my poster was a good case in point because three quarters of people I asked felt that there should be a clear image of the main character at the heart of the picture, whereas I wanted to make the image of the killer as a silhouette which would make the poster look mysterious and would help make the film represent its genre.

This audience research was incredibly helpful when it came to shaping the direction of my marketing campaign.

The questions i asked regarding my poster were:

  1. Does the poster look authentic? 
  2. Does the poster give of the type of magazine it is? 
  3. Is the poster eye catching? 
  4. Can you tell which genre the film is from by looking at the poster? 
  5. Does the poster contain all the convention you would find in a typical poster?

I felt having black on the left and right with the white in the middle and the silhouette black would be perfect for my poster especially as my film is a thriller and a conspiracy. The main thing that my audience picked up instantly was the silhouette as the image because the majority of them know what the genre of the film was straight away. The colour scheme was really eye catching to the audience and I received lots of praise from them.  Also the font was picked up quite fast as they could tell my film was a conspiracy.

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