Friday 2 May 2014

Evaluation - Using Media Technologies In The Construction And Research, Planning And Evaluation 3

In this post I will focus on my making of my teaser trailer. whilst making my teaser trailer i had to think of a number of aspects in order to make my trailer look authentic and real, I need to take into account a number of things such as Mise-en-scene and the actual camera shooting for example making sure that there is enough head room ands that the camera is in the correct position. Most of the time when I was shooting I used a tripod to make sure that the camera is still, so there is not camera shake.

I had to make sure that the Mise-en-scene was correct, for example when I took a shot of one of the protagonists being tied up I needed to make there shot look real.

I took these images in order to show the audience how I tied one of my protagonists to a chair using ties. The second image you can see that the camera is really close to him as in my trailer we see his face not his whole body.

I took several pictures in order to choose what my establishing shot would be at the beginning of my teaser trailer. I took a few picture using my phone to help me choose what would be the best image for my trailer. I decided that i would use this image below:

The thing I also did, I got someone to sit on a chair and I set up the camera as I was getting the person in a close up which I took a picture of the screen if the camera to show how each close up should look like. 

I took this image below to think of where my detective could sit which I thought this would be perfect as the desk there were loads of papers on the desk which made the this shot look like there was lots of work being done. There was a problem with this desk because there were film posters all around it so when it came to shooting i had to get close up to the person so we wouldn't see the posters.

I decided that before I actually start recording for my teaser trailer, I wanted to go out to East Finchley and practice taking shots that would appear on my shot list. I used my phone to take these videos which I looked at them just before I recorded my trailer. 

This shot is of one of the protagonists when there older after the first tagline.

This is the shot of the killer where the protagonist see him and then he disappears.

This is the shot of the protagonists when he sees the killer.

When I was taking these videos I released that the want good because I was trying to create a double take which failed because the character ran before the bus past.

I tried to do this again, which I was able to achieve the double take successfully.

This is a shot of the person walking, like the killer does in my trailer.

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