Monday 28 April 2014

Evaluation - Fonts

In my entire campaign I focused mainly on making sure that every single element was consistent and followed the same trend and made sure that they were authentic. For example I used the same fonts for my poster and teaser trailer making sure that the promotion of my film would reflect in all forms of promotion, and audience will engage in this. Audiences will engage with films better if the campaign is simple. When researching fonts I had to make sure that the font would help demonstrate the thriller genre but more importantly to show the audience that the film is a conspiracy. The font I have chosen is called "Telegraphem" and was used on the title, tagline, release dates for both my poster and teaser trailer.

I looked at several websites to find my fonts for my poster and or my magazine front cover as I needed to find a font that would be appropriate for a thriller.

I looked at different font sites such as:

Fonts websites

As I was looking at these websites I came across different potential fonts that I could have used for my poster, and I put them on photoshop to help me with my research and planning

Font Research

This meant that when each element of my campaign is watched and analysed through the poster, magazine and teaser trailer they can easily recognise the same film. However for my magazine front cover I used a different font and different colour scheme. My magazine was a big budgeted film magazine like Empire, because magazines have there own style depending on their target audience and what kind of magazine they are, which I am aiming for a wider audience. My dominant central image is completely different because for my poster I decided to use my killer but there would be a silhouette which would give the audience a sense of mystery.

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