Wednesday 23 April 2014

Poster Questionnaire (Post production)

Having finished my poster I went back to my audience who helped with with the layout, design etc. to ask them what they thought of the final product.

1. Is there anything on my poster, you feel, does not have on it that it should?

Another Actor

2. Rate the poster out of 10 on how much content the poster has in relation to there factors: Images of the stars, Taglines, Billing, Release date, Reviews, Stars Names

The average rating was 9.4

3. Having looked at my poster, what is it that you would mot likely persuade you to by the product

The Silhouette image and the big red film title

4. Looking at these factors of the layout, which of them persuade you to buy the product, and whig did not?

The majority of people said the title being the biggest font and in the centre was the reason behind them buying it. 

Comparing this to my first questionnaire, it seems that I have pleased my audience and met most of their needs on my poster.

Poster Questionnaire

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