Friday 4 April 2014

Dialogue In My Trailer

Having been doing my research and planning for my A2 project I have analysed a range of different teaser trailers and the thing I found out was there was dialogue in them so I came up with a few different lines that my actor will say in my trailer.

Daniel Freed- "Oh My God"

Aiden Wilson - "We should Tell Someone"

Boys screaming 

Jake Wallberger - "I've seen the killer, He's out"

Ben Winters - "Its impossible he got life in prison"

Sual Eriksen - "You can'y have seen him, the guys in prison, you must have imagined him"

Micheal Stewart - "Listen you've got it wrong, he's not the danger" 

Ben Winter - "Who is" 

Micheal Stewart - "Run" 

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