Wednesday 9 April 2014

Final Shot List And Running Order

Having wrote up a shot list I have now constructed my final shot list and running order for my teaser trailer which I want my shots to appear in.

1. Universal Studios logo - Makes it obvious that this film is a big budgeted film as the production company is known for producing Big Budget Hollywood Films                    
2. Focus Features - Another Big Budgeted film company.

3. Working Title - Another Big budgeted film company. I want the logos to appear at the beginning of the trailer as I have found out that this how other films start there trailer.

4. Establishing Shot of cars - This sets the scene for the trailer - this implies that the road is significant.

5. Establishing Shot of Building - This implies that the scene is set in this building and the building is significant.

6. Medium Long Shot - I chose to use this shot after the establishing shot to show that they are in a classroom and having a lesson

7. Medium Long Shot of teacher which shows that she is teaching them

8. Medium Shot, Two shot - of two boys which suggests them planning something and disrupting the class.

9. Close up of Note being passed - suggests that they are planning something secretive

10. Close up, Point of view shot - showing him reading the note ("Lets go top the woods)

11. Medium Close Up, Two Shot, Worms eye view - looking offer

12. Close up the Hand - suggests mystery

13. Close up Of boy - showing his shock

14. Medium shot showing the boys being scared

15. Tagline - "Some Things Are Best Forgotten" - helps show the audience that the boys are older

16. Medium Long Shot - suggest the change of age

17. Medium Shot - showing the boy drinking coffee

18. Extreme Long Shot Canted Framing showing the killer

19. Medium Shot - showing his shock

20. Point Of View, Double Take - suggesting that maybe he is imagining the killer

21. Medium Close Up - showing the Boys reaction to hearing about the killer

22. Medium Close Up - Boys face

23. Extreme Long Shot - of Killer walking past suggesting that he is power

24. Medium Close Up - Of boy Shocked

25. Close Up - Of detective which shows his facial expressions as he is evil

26. Medium Long Shot - of car driving past

27. Close Up - of boy on the phone scared

28. Medium Close Up, Over The Shoulder shot - Of Killer and Journalist Looking at each other

29. Medium Close Up - of boy tied up suggest he has been caught by the killer

30. Close up, Zoom out of Face - looking evil

31. Extreme Long Shot, Tracking Shot - Boy running suggests that he is running as that the killer is chasing him

32. Close Up of Key opening Door

33. Medium Shot - of Boy running into the office showing that he has something important to say

34. Medium Long Shot, Over The Shoulder Shot - boy speaking to friend

35. Medium Shot - of the killer with a map suggesting that he is looking for the boys or something

36. Close Up Of the map - the killer circling the map suggesting that he has a clue where they are and suggests that the boys are in trouble

37. Medium Long Shot of Evil Detective walking

38. Tagline "They're Coming For You" - suggests that they will be in danger and something will happen to them

39. Extreme Long Shot, Tracking shot - boy running

40. Medium Shot - of detective throwing killer to wall suggesting the conspiracy

41. Close Up - Boy shocked

42. Tagline "Run While You Can" - suggests that the boys need to get out before the killer finds them

43. Medium Close Up - of two young boys

44. Medium Close Up, Low Angle of detective through the window

45. Long shot - of boy tied up

46. Birds eye view - suggests that he is vulnerable

47. Close up, Zoom in

47. Close up, Zoom in

47. Extreme Close Up - suggesting that he is the one behind the conspiracy

48. Film Title - Computer read out each letter coming in

49. Billing

50. Billing

51. Release Date - Summer 2014 - appearing very vague

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