Tuesday 22 April 2014

Magazine Questionnaire (Poster Film)

Having finished my final magazine front cover, I went back to the audience who helped me decide on layout, deign etc. to ask what they thought of the final product.

1. Is there anything that my magazine front cover, you feel, does not have on it that it should?


2. Rate the magazine out of 10 on how much content the magazine cover has in relation to these factors: Images if the stars, Images of the characters, Large Banner(s), Name of the film in the magazine, Website, Barcode/Issue/Price, References to stars, Directors of films, References to posters or competitions, The Masthead.

The average rating was 8.5

3. Having looked at my magazine cover, what is it that would most likely persuade you to buy the product?

The bold Title, big image of star and banners were overall described as the most persuasive.

4. Looking as these factors of the layout, which of them persuade you to buy the product, and which did not?

The majority of people said the masthead being the biggest text was the reason behind them buying it. 

Comparing this to the first questionnaire, it seems that I have pleased my audience and met most of their needs in a magazine front cover.

Magazine Questionnaire

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