Sunday 27 April 2014

Evaluation - Conventions Of Real Media Products (Magazines)

My last part of my A2 media coursework was to produce a front cover for a magazine. The Point of the magazine to create an excitement and help promote the film, I looked at several different magazines from low budgets British films to a big budgeted film magazine like "Empire".

In order to create my magazine front cover I needed to acknowledge all the conventions that film magazines include. I thought it would be a good idea for me to analyse different magazine front covers and find the conventions that they include and find the consistency of these conventions. I chose to analyse "Empire", "Total Film", "Sight & Sound", "American Cinematographer" and "Film Maker"

Having analysed these magazine I wrote a list of all the convention that kept appearing in all these magazines. Doing this really helped me when it came to making my magazine front cover. 

Some of the key things that I found out when analysing these magazines:

  • Masthead was the biggest font on page 
  • Image of star dominates frame 
  • Cover lines referencing other films 
  • Barcode        

Having done load of research I have found that they include several conventions that I included on my magazine front cover

I found out that the mast head is always the biggest font on the page so I made sure that I did the same so my magazine look authentic.

Mast Head

Cover Lines



Name of Film

Here is my final magazine front cover

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