Monday 14 April 2014

Research and planning - Poster

Whilst I was editing my poster using Photoshop I saved a copy at various stages to state the different stages that I went through whilst making my poster. At the beginning was just putting all the writing that appears on the poster and then goes to the image and colour scheme.

The images below was at the beginning when I was editing my poster all I did was i put all the writing that I wanted to appear on my poster. I included my film name, name of actors, tagline studios and billing.

Having done some of the writing I started to play with the colour of the background to try and find what colour would be most suitable and look the best for Poster as my film is a thriller. Which I realised that they were not the right colours for my poster so i went back to the black background.

Having ton beck to the black background I decided instead of putting a picture of the killer on my poster I wanted the killer to appear in a silhouette which make mystery and fits the genre perfectly and especially because my film is a conspiracy and the silhouette helps demonstrate the conspiracy. I chose the have black on both sides and in the centre I had white which the makes the body standout.  

I then thought that I needed to put something on both sides of the poster so it doesn't look really empty so I decided to put reviews on my poster which would help promote the film however because my film is a big budgeted film the reviews are not so important as if my film was an independent film. 

This is my final poster:

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